Dutch Games has been selling sjoelbak boards in the US and Canada for many years and the question has always come up: "How do you play sjoelen correctly"
We were even asked this question on a cruise we took last year, where they had 2 of our boards available for playing
And the best way to answer that question of course is to show people how to play and immediately people get it and take off playing and really enjoy the game.
On this page we are showing Instructional Videos, that Dutch Games produced and several that were produced by David Dow.
David lives in Rochester, NY and is the team leader of the US sjoelen team in the 2019 World Cup Sjoelen, held in Germany in May 2019.
In these videos Dave shows simple techniques to play sjoelen effectively and if you follow his suggestions you will improve your play.
Go ahead and watch the videos and see for your self by clicking on the Video title you are interested in. See below..
Another great instructional video by David Dow on Facebook. He discusses shot selection.
An older video, but it's still one of our favorites https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYfBNZ0knJo